About Christina
Christina Joy is all about JOY! Christina has 2 degrees in nursing, a bachelor’s in psychology, and practiced as an emergency nurse for a dozen years before entering Real Estate. She is highly empathetic and bringing joy to people is what she is all about. Christina says about stressful situations (which real estate has plenty of), “This is my vibe! It’s what I excel at and gravitate towards. Not that I love it when people have a stressful situation, but rather I feel like I do my best work when I am able to help people in these types of situations. Putting myself in someone else’s shoes, empathizing with them, and being able to be there for them is definitely one of my strengths.” Christina’s ability to read a situation, connect with people quickly, and care for them and the outcome, makes her an outstanding agent.

Follow up is ingrained in Christina as a former emergency department nurse and server. Did you give pain medication? Follow up. Did they go for a test? Follow up. Do you have results? Follow up. The 15-minute follow up is crucial to being a good nurse. It’s the same with the food industry. Did their food arrive? Follow up. Did they not get their drinks? Follow up. Follow up is critical to the success of both these careers, and it’s also a critical aspect of Real Estate as well. The ability to follow up (regardless of whether the follow up yields a positive or negative result) is a key aspect to success.
Chrisina grew up in Grenada before moving to Florida at 15 years of age. Christina’s grandmother was a hard worker and a humanitarian. “She helped raise me when my parents divorced when I was just 2. She also took care of the household, our family farm, managed all our real estate, and supervised our family businesses. She built and funded a private school on the island (Grenada), and she was instrumental in many charities and humanitarian efforts on the island. She taught me the importance of hard work, but not just for yourself, the importance of working hard for others and the difference it can make.” Christina’s father was also an inspiration. “Every day at 4:00 he used to leave work and take me to the beach. Every day. He worked very hard, sometimes having 2 or 3 additional jobs outside of electrical engineering. My dad’s loving and caring hand plays a role in my parenting skills today.”

Christina’s husband says that her number one defining quality is stubbornness (Christina likes to think of it as persistence), which serves her well in Real Estate. “I never give up, and "No" just means I haven't asked enough times. I'm relentless which serves me well in negotiation.” But outside of the office, Christina knows how to relax. She loves live music, reading, and fishing. “My absolute favorite thing to do is to get lost in a good book. Reading transports you to a different world, where you can be anything or anyone or anywhere you want. And growing up on an island I am naturally an avid fisherman! Fishing and traveling give you something to talk about, and helps establish a connection (especially in South Florida where fishing is so popular and almost everyone is from somewhere else)!” So, work with Christina and find the JOY in your Real Estate transaction!