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Sewall’s Point

Total Homes : 997

Percentage Available: 2.4 %

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No-Fee Community : No

Sewall’s Point, Sewalls Point, FL Homes for Sale

Virtual Tour - 33 N Sewalls Point Road | Raceys $9,900,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
3 Timor Street | Archipelago $8,500,000 5 4/1 $1,161 -
Virtual Tour - 33 N Sewalls Point Road #B | Raceys $4,975,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 107 Abbie Ct | Sewalls Mdw $2,850,000 5 5 $726 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 9 Mandalay Road | Mandalay $2,700,000 3 3 $1,113 Virtual Tour
27 Simara Street | Archipelago $2,349,000 4 3 $770 -
122 N Sewalls Point Road | Indian River Hammocks $2,000,000 0 0 0 -
Virtual Tour - 16 Ridgeview Road N | Sewalls Point $1,950,000 5 5 $488 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 2 Summer Lane | Hillcrest Sewalls Point $1,850,000 3 4 $466 Virtual Tour
110 Hillcrest Terrace | Hillcrest Sewalls Point $1,774,999 6 4/1 $379 -
Virtual Tour - 8 Ridgeland Drive | Ridgeland $1,699,000 5 4/1 $351 Virtual Tour
Open House March 10 - 7am-9am - 2 Oak Hill Way | Castle Hill $1,550,000 4 3/1 $424 Open House
24 N Via Lucindia Drive | Lucindia $1,550,000 2 2/1 $740 -
Open House March 10 - 8am-11am - 4 Copaire Road | George W Baker Sub $1,475,000 3 2/1 $607 Open House
132 S River Road | Kingston Court & Amd $1,395,000 3 4 $436 -
37 E High Point Road | High Point $1,380,000 4 3/3 $398 -
Virtual Tour - 37 E High Point Road | High Point $1,380,000 4 3 $398 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 26 Rio Vista Drive | Rio Vista Sub $1,350,000 5 4 $475 Virtual Tour
Open House March 10 - 8am-10am - 5 Gumbo Limbo Way | Indialucie $1,300,000 4 3 $526 Open House
22 W High Point Road | High Point $1,300,000 3 2/1 $537 -
Open House March 10 - 9am-12pm - 55 N Sewalls Point Road | Perriwinkle Sub $1,250,000 3 3 $584 Open House
Open House March 10 - 9am-11am - 5 Banyan Road | Indialucie $1,249,000 5 3/1 $386 Open House
7 Miramar Road | Miramar $950,000 3 2 $463 -
85 S Sewalls Point Road | Rio Vista $899,000 3 2 $527 -
Virtual Tour - 6 Mandalay Road | Mandalay $850,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
24 N Via Lucindia Drive | Lucindia $850,000 2 2/1 $406 -
Virtual Tour - 2 Palmetto Drive | Palmetto Park $848,250 2 2 $339 Virtual Tour
0 N Via Lucindia Drive | Sewalls Point $700,000 0 0 0 -
Virtual Tour - 7 Heritage Way | Heritage Place $599,900 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Open House March 10 - 12pm-2pm - 1851 SE Tarni Way | Ocean Cove $569,900 3 2/1 $349 Open House
1 N Island Road | Hanson Grant Lt 01 Sewalls Point $1,575,000 0 0 0 -
158 S River Road | Marguerita Sub $575,000 3 3 $255 -
10 Heritage Way | Heritage Place $510,000 4 4/1 $197 -
1435 NE High Hammock Court | Sewalls Landing 01 & 02 $435,000 3 2/1 $224 -
8 Quail Run Lane | Quail Run $375,000 3 2 $227 -
6 Oak Hill Way | Castle Hill $219,000 0 0 $12 -
1600 SE Saint Lucie Boulevard #109 | Banyan House Condo $92,500 2 2 $73 -
27 NE Lofting Way | Plantation At Sewalls Point $11,750,000 5 6/2 $914 -
27 NE Lofting Way | Plantation At Sewalls Point The $11,750,000 8 6/2 $914 -
33 N Sewalls Point Road | Raceys $7,000,000 0 0 0 -
25 Island Road | High Point Isle Add $6,350,000 5 4/3 $975 -
25 Island Road | High Point Isle Add $6,350,000 5 4/3 $975 -
45 W High Point Road | Sewall's Point $4,400,000 3 3/1 $924 -
36 Rio Vista Drive | Rio Vista $5,225,000 8 10/2 $365 -
5 S River Road | Melody Hill $4,500,000 6 6/3 $847 -
11 W High Point Road | High Point $4,500,000 4 5/1 $748 -
108 S Sewalls Point Road | Arbela $5,000,000 4 5/1 $960 -
3 Timor Street | Archipelago $4,125,000 5 6/1 $615 -
3 Timor Street | Archipelago Sub $4,125,000 5 6/1 $615 -
22 E High Point Road | High Point Isle Add $4,222,222 5 6/2 $632 -
22 E High Point Road | High Point Isle Addition To $4,222,222 5 6/2 $632 -
20 Riverview Drive | Riverview Sub $3,900,000 4 4/1 $816 -
80 S Sewalls Point Road | Homewood $4,275,000 6 6 $808 -
33 N Sewalls Point Road | Raceys $4,000,000 0 0 0 -
148+150 S Sewalls Point Rd | Hanson Grant Lot 01 (sewa $3,700,000 0 0 0 -
3784 SE Old Saint Lucie Boulevard | Port Sewall $3,900,000 6 8/1 $490 -
18 E High Point Rd | High Point Isle Add $3,500,000 4 5/1 $821 -
31 NE Lofting Way | Plantation At Sewalls Point $4,200,000 5 6/1 $475 -
3 NE Lagoon Island Court | Plantation At Sewalls Point $3,975,000 6 7/1 $467 -
82 N Sewalls Point Road | Captains Cove $3,500,000 3 3/1 $1,170 -
3968 SE Old Saint Lucie Boulevard | Sunrise Lndg $3,650,000 4 3/3 $566 -
22 Castle Hill Way | Castle Hill $3,650,000 4 3 $952 -
12 Castle Hill Way | Castle Hill $3,725,000 5 5/1 $659 -
19 W High Point Road | High Point $3,600,000 3 3/1 $807 -
19 Island Road | High Point Isle Add $2,725,000 3 3/1 $775 -
43 W High Point Road | High Point $2,950,000 0 0 0 -
1 Ridgeland Court | Arbela $3,325,000 5 4 $682 -
32 N Sewalls Point Road | Raceys $2,825,000 4 4/2 $848 -
10 S Sewalls Point Road | George W. Baker's $2,725,000 5 4 $791 -
19 N River Road | Indialucie $2,835,000 4 4/1 $662 -

3 Timor Street | Archipelago


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 7,326sqft, $1,161/sqft

Virtual Tour - 107 Abbie Ct | Sewalls Mdw


5 beds, 5 baths, 3,930sqft, $726/sqft

Virtual Tour - 9 Mandalay Road | Mandalay


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,426sqft, $1,113/sqft

27 Simara Street | Archipelago


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,051sqft, $770/sqft

Virtual Tour - 16 Ridgeview Road N | Sewalls Point


5 beds, 5 baths, 3,997sqft, $488/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2 Summer Lane | Hillcrest Sewalls Point


3 beds, 4 baths, 3,971sqft, $466/sqft

110 Hillcrest Terrace | Hillcrest Sewalls Point


6 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,687sqft, $379/sqft

Virtual Tour - 8 Ridgeland Drive | Ridgeland


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,845sqft, $351/sqft

Open House March 10 - 7am-9am - 2 Oak Hill Way | Castle Hill


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,660sqft, $424/sqft

24 N Via Lucindia Drive | Lucindia


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,097sqft, $740/sqft

Open House March 10 - 8am-11am - 4 Copaire Road | George W Baker Sub


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,431sqft, $607/sqft

132 S River Road | Kingston Court & Amd


3 beds, 4 baths, 3,202sqft, $436/sqft

37 E High Point Road | High Point


4 beds, 3/3 baths, 3,468sqft, $398/sqft

Virtual Tour - 37 E High Point Road | High Point


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,468sqft, $398/sqft

Virtual Tour - 26 Rio Vista Drive | Rio Vista Sub


5 beds, 4 baths, 2,843sqft, $475/sqft

Open House March 10 - 8am-10am - 5 Gumbo Limbo Way | Indialucie


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,475sqft, $526/sqft

22 W High Point Road | High Point


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,422sqft, $537/sqft

Open House March 10 - 9am-12pm - 55 N Sewalls Point Road | Perriwinkle Sub


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,141sqft, $584/sqft

Open House March 10 - 9am-11am - 5 Banyan Road | Indialucie


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,243sqft, $386/sqft

7 Miramar Road | Miramar


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,054sqft, $463/sqft

85 S Sewalls Point Road | Rio Vista


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,708sqft, $527/sqft

24 N Via Lucindia Drive | Lucindia


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,097sqft, $406/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2 Palmetto Drive | Palmetto Park


2 beds, 2 baths, 2,504sqft, $339/sqft

Open House March 10 - 12pm-2pm - 1851 SE Tarni Way | Ocean Cove


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,637sqft, $349/sqft

82 N Sewalls Point Road | Captains Cove


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,335sqft, $8/sqft

82 N Sewalls Point Road | Captains Cove


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,335sqft, $7/sqft

107 Abbie Ct | Sewalls Mdw


5 beds, 5 baths, 3,930sqft, $5/sqft

1 Mandalay Road | Mandalay


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,462sqft, $8/sqft

11 N River Road | Indialucie Plat Of


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,192sqft, $5/sqft

15 Middle Road | High Point


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 3,217sqft, $4/sqft

96 S Sewalls Point Road | Rio Vista Subdivision


3 beds, 3 baths, 1,512sqft, $4/sqft

25 N Ridgeview Road N | Homewood Sewalls Point


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,697sqft, $3/sqft

10 Island Road | High Point


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,612sqft, $803/sqft

10 Island Road | High Point Isle Add


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,612sqft, $803/sqft

3 SE St. Lucie Court | Hillcrest Sewalls Point


5 beds, 5 baths, 3,740sqft, $910/sqft

104 Henry Sewall Way | Sewalls Meadow


4 beds, 5 baths, 5,756sqft, $503/sqft

12 N Ridgeview Road | Homewood


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,117sqft, $544/sqft

105 Henry Sewall Way | Sewalls Mdw


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,205sqft, $436/sqft

6 Delano Lane | White Fence Acres Rev


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,928sqft, $451/sqft

32 N River Road | Sewall's Point


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,124sqft, $401/sqft

158 S River Road | Marguerita Sub


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,479sqft, $255/sqft

10 Heritage Way | Heritage Place


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 2,726sqft, $197/sqft

1435 NE High Hammock Court | Sewalls Landing 01 & 02


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,009sqft, $224/sqft

8 Quail Run Lane | Quail Run


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,980sqft, $227/sqft

6 Oak Hill Way | Castle Hill


19,388sqft, $12/sqft

1600 SE Saint Lucie Boulevard #109 | Banyan House Condo


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,370sqft, $73/sqft

27 NE Lofting Way | Plantation At Sewalls Point


5 beds, 6/2 baths, 13,138sqft, $914/sqft

27 NE Lofting Way | Plantation At Sewalls Point The


8 beds, 6/2 baths, 13,138sqft, $914/sqft

25 Island Road | High Point Isle Add


5 beds, 4/3 baths, 6,516sqft, $975/sqft

25 Island Road | High Point Isle Add


5 beds, 4/3 baths, 6,516sqft, $975/sqft

45 W High Point Road | Sewall's Point


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 5,953sqft, $924/sqft

36 Rio Vista Drive | Rio Vista


8 beds, 10/2 baths, 14,521sqft, $365/sqft

5 S River Road | Melody Hill


6 beds, 6/3 baths, 5,904sqft, $847/sqft

11 W High Point Road | High Point


4 beds, 5/1 baths, 6,618sqft, $748/sqft

108 S Sewalls Point Road | Arbela


4 beds, 5/1 baths, 4,951sqft, $960/sqft

3 Timor Street | Archipelago


5 beds, 6/1 baths, 7,326sqft, $615/sqft

3 Timor Street | Archipelago Sub


5 beds, 6/1 baths, 7,326sqft, $615/sqft

22 E High Point Road | High Point Isle Add


5 beds, 6/2 baths, 7,115sqft, $632/sqft

22 E High Point Road | High Point Isle Addition To


5 beds, 6/2 baths, 7,115sqft, $632/sqft

20 Riverview Drive | Riverview Sub


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 5,389sqft, $816/sqft

80 S Sewalls Point Road | Homewood


6 beds, 6 baths, 5,415sqft, $808/sqft

3784 SE Old Saint Lucie Boulevard | Port Sewall


6 beds, 8/1 baths, 8,166sqft, $490/sqft

18 E High Point Rd | High Point Isle Add


4 beds, 5/1 baths, 4,875sqft, $821/sqft

31 NE Lofting Way | Plantation At Sewalls Point


5 beds, 6/1 baths, 8,429sqft, $475/sqft

3 NE Lagoon Island Court | Plantation At Sewalls Point


6 beds, 7/1 baths, 8,518sqft, $467/sqft

82 N Sewalls Point Road | Captains Cove


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,335sqft, $1,170/sqft

3968 SE Old Saint Lucie Boulevard | Sunrise Lndg


4 beds, 3/3 baths, 6,902sqft, $566/sqft

22 Castle Hill Way | Castle Hill


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,982sqft, $952/sqft

12 Castle Hill Way | Castle Hill


5 beds, 5/1 baths, 5,622sqft, $659/sqft

19 W High Point Road | High Point


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 4,465sqft, $807/sqft

19 Island Road | High Point Isle Add


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 4,195sqft, $775/sqft

1 Ridgeland Court | Arbela


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,682sqft, $682/sqft

32 N Sewalls Point Road | Raceys


4 beds, 4/2 baths, 3,659sqft, $848/sqft

10 S Sewalls Point Road | George W. Baker's


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,791sqft, $791/sqft

19 N River Road | Indialucie


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,526sqft, $662/sqft

Sewall’s Point Map

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Welcome to Sewall’s Point a charming small town in Martin County with a lot to offer. This small peninsula town named after Captain Henry Sewall was once more of a vacation town and is surrounded on three sides by water. Wonderful views of the Saint Lucie River, the Indian River, and the Intracoastal Waterway can be enjoyed from many homes.

Although classed as a small-town Sewall’s Point offers amenities equivalent to any large town. Some retail therapy can be enjoyed at Harbour Bay Plaza; enjoy the courtyard setting while you browse the shops from fashion, antiques, health and beauty, and more. A choice of restaurants is also available for you to enjoy breakfast, lunch, or dinner with choices like Italian, Seafood, or a more traditional fare.

Children will love the Children’s Museum of the Treasure Coast offering many interactive exhibits such as The Children’ Garden, Vet Clinic, Florida Cracker House, and Spanish Galleon. A great way to spend time with the children while they learn and explore.

Beaches and parks are also a great place to spend time with the family; Indian River Park is famous for its interactive fountain and pier, and Indian Riverside Park holds many local events through the year with concerts being held once a month. The town is also a recognized bird sanctuary and for two decades has been a nationally recognized “Tree City”.

Boat enthusiasts head to the Manatee Pocket harbor in Port Salerno with marinas, wonderful waterfront restaurants, and a good place to stock up on tackle for a deep-sea fishing adventure. Thousands of sports and recreational visitors frequent this natural beauty with its major access to waterways.

Located in Martin County Sewall’s Point is just 10 minutes from the coastal city of Stuart, 11 mins to Jensen Beach and only an hour to West Palm Beach.

Sewall’s Point offers real estate to suit every need whether you are looking for a grand estate or a moderate home, whether you are young or old, we can help you find something.



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