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Okeechobee, FL Homes for Sale

Virtual Tour - 116 SE 8th Avenue | Taylor Creek Manor $3,999,970 36 24/12 $2,198 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 1416 SE 12th Drive | Airi Acres $100,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
1905 S. Parrott Ave. | $4,495,000 0 0 0 -
Ne 101st St Okeechobee | $2,200,000 0 0 0 -
1105 S. Parrott | $2,200,000 0 0 0 -
Virtual Tour - Na 98 | Na $1,350,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
201 S. Parrott | $850,000 0 0 0 -
2002 S Parrott Ave. | $799,000 0 0 0 -
Virtual Tour - 1127 SW Park Street | Southwest Add $750,000 0 1 $174 Virtual Tour
1702 S Parrott Ave | $699,000 0 0 0 -
Virtual Tour - 1285 SE 23rd St | Blue Heron $477,985 4 2 $237 Virtual Tour
TBD Hwy 98 | Na $475,000 0 0 0 -
Virtual Tour - 1410 SE 9th Drive | Blue Heron Golf And Country $467,000 3 2 $186 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 2075 SE 9th Ave | Blue Heron Country Club $435,000 3 2 $160 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 2150 SE 9th Avenue | Blue Heron Golf And Country $425,000 3 2 $213 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 1208 S Parrott Avenue | $399,120 0 5 $114 Virtual Tour
1202 SE 8th Drive | Okeechobee Estates $389,900 4 3 $172 -
Virtual Tour - 1011 SW 11th Street | None $340,000 3 2 $243 Virtual Tour
1203 SE 8th Ave | Okeechobee Estates $319,900 3 2 0 -
Virtual Tour - | None $305,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - TBD Hwy 441 | Na $294,900 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - TBD NE 4th, 5th, 6th Street | No Sub $280,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 308 SE 8th Drive | Wilcox Shores $245,000 2 1 $186 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 911 NW 12th Street | City Of Okeechobee $210,000 3 1 $181 Virtual Tour
201 SE 8th Street | Taylor Cove $189,000 3 3 $138 -
Virtual Tour - 813 SW 2nd Street | Okeechobee County $175,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 1911 SW 7th Avenue | Woodland Park $84,900 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 0 NW 4th Ave | Orange Blossom Ranches $49,500 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
0 NW 7th St | El Mira Sol $29,500 0 0 0 -
| South $25,000 0 0 0 -
0000 296th | Viking 04 $14,900 0 0 0 -
803 Park St | $2,750/mo 0 0 $2 -
116 SE 8th Avenue | $2,050/mo 2 2 $2 -
1160 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron $339,000 3 2 $191 -
1160 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron $20,000 0 0 0 -
1140 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron $20,000 0 0 0 -
26005 SW Hannahs Path | Martin County Ranch Community $2,500,000 0 0 0 -
202 NE 2nd Street | Okeechobee $950,000 0 10 $71 -
102 SE Park Street | Okeechobee $895,000 0 18 $40 -
301 SW Park Street | $740,000 0 9 $91 -
507 NE Park Street | Okeechobee $700,000 0 1 $340 -
306 NE 3rd Street | Okeechobee $600,000 0 3 $133 -
0 441 Highway S | Metes And Bounds - Uplatted Lands Of The City $253,405 0 0 0 -
505 NE Park Street | Okeechobee $700,000 0 2 $130 -
1285 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph I $420,000 4 2 $246 -
1020 N Parrott Avenue | $469,000 0 2 $123 -
1425 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron $400,000 3 2 $211 -
1240 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 01 $430,000 3 2 $179 -
606 NW 3rd Avenue | Okeechobee $415,000 0 0 $132 -
817 SE 14th St. | Okeechobee Ests/1st Add $385,000 5 3 $154 -
1105 S Parrott Avenue | Metes And Bounds - Unplatted Lands Of The City $377,095 0 0 0 -
1345 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Country Club $374,000 3 2 $260 -
1112 SE 12 Drive | Airi Acres $360,000 3 2 $230 -
2104 SW 3rd Street | None $382,500 3 2 $248 -
1265 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 02 $380,000 3 2/1 $184 -
605 NW 2nd Street | $300,000 0 3 $78 -
1225 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 01 $355,000 3 2 $244 -
1002 SE 8th Avenue | Okeechobee Estates $380,000 3 2 $182 -
608 SE 8th Ave | Wilcox Shores $360,000 2 2 0 -
1402 SE 12th Drive | Airi Acres $340,000 3 2 $189 -
1265 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron $358,000 4 2 $165 -
1107 SE 11th Street | Airi Acres $300,000 3 2 $234 -
1303 SE 8th Avenue | Okeechobee Estates $315,000 4 2 $117 -
509 SW 2nd Ave | City Of Okeechobee $350,000 3 2 $181 -
203 NE 10th Street | Okeechobee $350,000 0 0 $157 -
1400 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 02 $345,000 3 2 $184 -
401 SW 21st Street | Woodland Park $320,000 3 2 $214 -
607 SW 14th Street | Sherman Heights $302,500 3 2/1 $197 -
| Elledge S Okeechobee Park $265,000 0 0 0 -
1101 NW 5th Street | Okeechobee $325,000 0 0 $121 -
309 NW 7th Street | Okeechobee $335,000 0 0 $154 -
200 NW 6th Street | Okeechobee $325,000 0 0 $63 -
2007 SW 6th Avenue | Winkler's Woodland Park $315,000 3 2 $200 -

Virtual Tour - 116 SE 8th Avenue | Taylor Creek Manor


36 beds, 24/12 baths, 1,820sqft, $2,198/sqft

1105 S. Parrott |


Virtual Tour - 1127 SW Park Street | Southwest Add


1 baths, 4,320sqft, $174/sqft

Virtual Tour - 1285 SE 23rd St | Blue Heron


4 beds, 2 baths, 2,020sqft, $237/sqft

Virtual Tour - 1410 SE 9th Drive | Blue Heron Golf And Country


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,521sqft, $186/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2075 SE 9th Ave | Blue Heron Country Club


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,735sqft, $160/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2150 SE 9th Avenue | Blue Heron Golf And Country


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,004sqft, $213/sqft

Virtual Tour - 1208 S Parrott Avenue |


5 baths, 3,532sqft, $114/sqft

1202 SE 8th Drive | Okeechobee Estates


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,269sqft, $172/sqft

Virtual Tour - 1011 SW 11th Street | None


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,400sqft, $243/sqft

1203 SE 8th Ave | Okeechobee Estates


3 beds, 2 baths,

Virtual Tour - 308 SE 8th Drive | Wilcox Shores


2 beds, 1 baths, 1,323sqft, $186/sqft

Virtual Tour - 911 NW 12th Street | City Of Okeechobee


3 beds, 1 baths, 1,164sqft, $181/sqft

201 SE 8th Street | Taylor Cove


3 beds, 3 baths, 1,378sqft, $138/sqft

| South


803 Park St |


2,708sqft, $2/sqft

116 SE 8th Avenue |


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,820sqft, $2/sqft

1007 SE 14th Court | Blue Heron Golf And Country Club


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,085sqft, $192/sqft

2113 SW 3rd Avenue | Royal Oak Addition


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,126sqft, $155/sqft

503 NW 11th Avenue | Northwest Addition


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,696sqft, $154/sqft

411 SE 12th Avenue | First Addition


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,385sqft, $180/sqft

1160 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,880sqft, $191/sqft

202 NE 2nd Street | Okeechobee


10 baths, 13,750sqft, $71/sqft

102 SE Park Street | Okeechobee


18 baths, 23,897sqft, $40/sqft

301 SW Park Street |


9 baths, 8,560sqft, $91/sqft

507 NE Park Street | Okeechobee


1 baths, 2,211sqft, $340/sqft

306 NE 3rd Street | Okeechobee


3 baths, 5,108sqft, $133/sqft

505 NE Park Street | Okeechobee


2 baths, 3,869sqft, $130/sqft

1285 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph I


4 beds, 2 baths, 2,020sqft, $246/sqft

1020 N Parrott Avenue |


2 baths, 3,840sqft, $123/sqft

1425 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,093sqft, $211/sqft

1240 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 01


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,464sqft, $179/sqft

606 NW 3rd Avenue | Okeechobee


3,240sqft, $132/sqft

817 SE 14th St. | Okeechobee Ests/1st Add


5 beds, 3 baths, 2,744sqft, $154/sqft

1345 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Country Club


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,540sqft, $260/sqft

1112 SE 12 Drive | Airi Acres


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,721sqft, $230/sqft

2104 SW 3rd Street | None


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,591sqft, $248/sqft

1265 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 02


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,126sqft, $184/sqft

605 NW 2nd Street |


3 baths, 5,040sqft, $78/sqft

1225 SE 23rd Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 01


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,579sqft, $244/sqft

1002 SE 8th Avenue | Okeechobee Estates


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,119sqft, $182/sqft

608 SE 8th Ave | Wilcox Shores


2 beds, 2 baths,

1402 SE 12th Drive | Airi Acres


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,963sqft, $189/sqft

1265 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron


4 beds, 2 baths, 2,171sqft, $165/sqft

1107 SE 11th Street | Airi Acres


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,520sqft, $234/sqft

1303 SE 8th Avenue | Okeechobee Estates


4 beds, 2 baths, 3,003sqft, $117/sqft

509 SW 2nd Ave | City Of Okeechobee


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,935sqft, $181/sqft

203 NE 10th Street | Okeechobee


2,240sqft, $157/sqft

1400 SE 21st Street | Blue Heron Golf & Cc Ph 02


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,901sqft, $184/sqft

401 SW 21st Street | Woodland Park


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,569sqft, $214/sqft

607 SW 14th Street | Sherman Heights


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,683sqft, $197/sqft

1101 NW 5th Street | Okeechobee


2,700sqft, $121/sqft

309 NW 7th Street | Okeechobee


2,119sqft, $154/sqft

200 NW 6th Street | Okeechobee


5,112sqft, $63/sqft

2007 SW 6th Avenue | Winkler's Woodland Park


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,512sqft, $200/sqft

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Okeechobee Florida Homes for Sale

Okeechobee is a rural small-town community placed along the northern rim of Lake Okeechobee in the heart of Florida. The town is known for its outdoor adventures from world class fishing, peaceful hikes, exhilarating airboat rides, and cultural attractions.

Lake Okeechobee is the largest freshwater lake in Florida and anglers come from far and wide to for the fishing opportunities. Known as the “Bass Capital of the World” the town lake includes many species of the bass family including Bluegill and Crappie. Surrounding the lakes are marshes and swamps where adventurers can embark on a thrilling airboat ride observing wildlife and vegetation.

Other adventures around the town include hiking and biking, shooting sports, hunting, motocross, horseback riding, and kayaking.

Okeechobee main street is the place to go for all your shopping and dining needs, enjoy local flavors and dine at many restaurants and hometown eateries.

Real estate varies throughout the area from affordable plots of land where you can build your dream home, to single family home communities, to homes on 1 acre plus with room for animals, and new builds with estate like homes.

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Jeff Lichtenstein's Echo Fine Properties


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