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Belle Glade

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Belle Glade, Belle Glade, FL Homes for Sale

114 W Canal St S | $4,777,777 0 0 $141 -
Virtual Tour - 1290 S Main Street | None $4,100,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - N/a Cypress Ln | Belle Glade Bus Park $2,600,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 656 SW Avenue C Place #1 | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $1,995,000 0 10 $504 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 612 SW 6th Street #1 | Tedders $1,995,000 0 8 $341 Virtual Tour
1208 NW Avenue L 1 | $1,000,000 0 0 $167 -
Virtual Tour - 325 W Avenue A | Rader Add To Belle Glade $899,999 0 2 $222 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 364 W Avenue A Avenue | Rader Add To Belle Glade $795,000 0 2 $115 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 300 W Avenue A | $750,000 0 2 $89 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 125 SE Avenue D | $740,000 0 0 $153 Virtual Tour
507 S Main Street | Holloway Add $695,000 0 0 0 -
408 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard E | Holloway Of 3rd Add To Belle Glade $400,000 0 0 $34 -
Virtual Tour - 621 SW 12th Street | Progressive Park 2 $325,000 3 2/1 $186 Virtual Tour
117 E Canal St N | Kirchman $300,000 0 0 $232 -
217 SW D 1 #1 | Belle Glade 2nd Add Pl 2 In $250,000 0 0 $187 -
1233 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard W | Baileys Sub 6 Sheet 1 $249,000 4 4 $96 -
Virtual Tour - 554 SE 1st | Holloway $220,000 4 2 $116 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 608 W Avenue A 1 | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $185,000 0 7 0 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 324 E SW 8th Street E | Baileys Add 4 Pl 2 In $179,999 2 1 $237 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 544 SW 4th Street | Raders Sub $68,500 3 1 $72 Virtual Tour
Virtual Tour - 544 SW 6th Street | Tedders $52,000 0 0 0 Virtual Tour
417 SW Avenue C Ave | Glade Sub Div $39,000 0 0 0 -
300 N Highway A1a #303-d | Ocean Parks Condo $242,500 3 3 $150 -
24 NW I Avenue | Northmoor Gardens $219,000 3 2 $134 -
300 N Highway A1a #D-401 | Ocean Parks $1,480/mo 3 3 $1 -
0 Avenue K | S/d Of 5-44-37, Lot 7 $1,820,000 0 0 0 -
733 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd W | $1,350,000 0 0 $110 -
125 N Main Street | $830,000 0 9 0 -
300 NW 11th Street #10 | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $665,000 0 0 $745 -
1009-1041 W Avenue A | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $220,000 0 8 $123 -
1500 NW Ave L | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $575,000 0 7 $100 -
73 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard E | Acreage & Unrec $540,000 0 2 $38 -
316 SW 3rd Street #1 | Rader Add To Belle Glade $540,000 0 12 $77 -
569 SW 7th Street | Rutledge Add B G $500,000 0 9 $94 -
408 E Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd E | $457,500 0 0 $42 -
| Raders Sub $450,000 0 8 $95 -
608 NE 1st Street | Unwin $420,000 4 3/1 $182 -
909 NE 3rd Street | Zumpf Sub 3 $420,000 5 3/1 $130 -
334 SE I Avenue | Jay And Roe Park $405,000 5 4 $168 -
1500 NW B Avenue | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $335,000 0 0 $101 -
900 SE 3rd Street | Jay & Roe Park In $385,000 4 3/1 $112 -
698 SW 4th Street | Raders Sub $375,000 0 0 $160 -
925 NE 18th Street | Sugarland Heights $390,000 5 3/1 $159 -
656 SW Avenue C Place | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $340,000 0 10 $100 -
632 SE 9th Street | 41-42-37, Sub By State Survey Of Blk 5 $380,000 5 3 $126 -
813 NE 2nd Street | Alma As $380,000 3 2 $215 -
419 SW Avenue C | Glade Sub Div $360,000 0 0 $99 -
612-620 SW 6th Street | Tedders $375,000 0 7 $75 -
1241 NW Avenue D Avenue | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey $325,000 6 3 $151 -
317 NE 3rd Street | Belle Glade $350,000 3 2 $161 -
980 SE 3rd Street | Jay & Roe Park In $325,000 5 3 $176 -
698 SW 4th Street | Raders Sub $340,000 0 0 $144 -
909 NE 2nd Street | Alma As $354,000 3 2/1 $148 -
18 NE Avenue I | Unwin $340,000 4 2 $195 -
832 Fleming Drive | Sterling Estates $340,000 4 3 $99 -
333 SE Avenue I | S/d Of 5-44-37, Lot 7 $340,000 3 2 $164 -
324 NW E Avenue | Beverly Park $340,000 3 2 $161 -
157 Dabou Loop | Abidjan Estates $347,000 4 2 $239 -
961 SE 2nd Street | Jay And Roe Park $340,000 4 2 $208 -
800 NE 2nd Street | Alma As In $325,000 3 2 $155 -
149 Dabou Loop | Abidjan Estates $339,500 4 2 $221 -
561 SE 5th Street | Holloway Of 3rd Add To Belle Glade $325,000 4 2 $197 -

114 W Canal St S |


34,122sqft, $141/sqft

Virtual Tour - 612 SW 6th Street #1 | Tedders


8 baths, 5,860sqft, $341/sqft

1208 NW Avenue L 1 |


6,000sqft, $167/sqft

Virtual Tour - 325 W Avenue A | Rader Add To Belle Glade


2 baths, 4,060sqft, $222/sqft

Virtual Tour - 300 W Avenue A |


2 baths, 8,428sqft, $89/sqft

Virtual Tour - 125 SE Avenue D |


4,855sqft, $153/sqft

Virtual Tour - 621 SW 12th Street | Progressive Park 2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 1,749sqft, $186/sqft

117 E Canal St N | Kirchman


1,296sqft, $232/sqft

217 SW D 1 #1 | Belle Glade 2nd Add Pl 2 In


1,344sqft, $187/sqft

1233 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard W | Baileys Sub 6 Sheet 1


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,605sqft, $96/sqft

Virtual Tour - 554 SE 1st | Holloway


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,900sqft, $116/sqft

Virtual Tour - 324 E SW 8th Street E | Baileys Add 4 Pl 2 In


2 beds, 1 baths, 760sqft, $237/sqft

Virtual Tour - 544 SW 4th Street | Raders Sub


3 beds, 1 baths, 960sqft, $72/sqft

625 W Avenue A | Royal Palm


3,894sqft, $187/sqft

406 SW Avenue C Pl | Glade Sub Div


4,480sqft, $146/sqft

601 W Avenue A | Royal Palm


5,328sqft, $104/sqft

308 N Main Street | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey


24 baths, 6,360sqft, $79/sqft

158 Dabou Loop | Hillsboro Estates


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,722sqft, $218/sqft

160 Dabou Loop | Hillsboro Estates


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,722sqft, $210/sqft

308 NW Avenue H Place | Northmoor Gardens


4 beds, 2 baths, 2,138sqft, $164/sqft

675 SE 5th Street | Holloway Of 3rd Add To Belle Glade


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,819sqft, $182/sqft

165 Dabou Loop | Hillsboro Estates


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,452sqft, $223/sqft

136 Dabou Loop | Hillsboro Estates


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,452sqft, $215/sqft

688 SW 6th St | Tedders


2,748sqft, $113/sqft

509 SW 7th Street | Tedders


11,078sqft, $27/sqft

607 SW 3rd Street | Raders Sub 3


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,703sqft, $143/sqft

1009 NE 24th Street | Sugarland Heights 1


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,242sqft, $157/sqft

857 SW Avenue C Pl | Baileys Add 4 2


3 baths, 2,346sqft, $62/sqft

408 SE 1st Street |


3,515sqft, $37/sqft

300 N Highway A1a #303-d | Ocean Parks Condo


3 beds, 3 baths, 1,936sqft, $150/sqft

24 NW I Avenue | Northmoor Gardens


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,642sqft, $134/sqft

300 N Highway A1a #D-401 | Ocean Parks


3 beds, 3 baths, 1,936sqft, $1/sqft

733 W Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd W |


14,550sqft, $110/sqft

125 N Main Street |


9 baths,

1009-1041 W Avenue A | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey


8 baths, 4,992sqft, $123/sqft

1500 NW Ave L | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey


7 baths, 6,000sqft, $100/sqft

73 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard E | Acreage & Unrec


2 baths, 15,162sqft, $38/sqft

316 SW 3rd Street #1 | Rader Add To Belle Glade


12 baths, 7,384sqft, $77/sqft

569 SW 7th Street | Rutledge Add B G


9 baths, 5,807sqft, $94/sqft

408 E Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd E |


11,999sqft, $42/sqft

| Raders Sub


8 baths, 5,184sqft, $95/sqft

608 NE 1st Street | Unwin


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,531sqft, $182/sqft

909 NE 3rd Street | Zumpf Sub 3


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,363sqft, $130/sqft

334 SE I Avenue | Jay And Roe Park


5 beds, 4 baths, 2,505sqft, $168/sqft

900 SE 3rd Street | Jay & Roe Park In


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,566sqft, $112/sqft

698 SW 4th Street | Raders Sub


2,496sqft, $160/sqft

925 NE 18th Street | Sugarland Heights


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,515sqft, $159/sqft

656 SW Avenue C Place | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey


10 baths, 3,960sqft, $100/sqft

632 SE 9th Street | 41-42-37, Sub By State Survey Of Blk 5


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,118sqft, $126/sqft

813 NE 2nd Street | Alma As


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,775sqft, $215/sqft

419 SW Avenue C | Glade Sub Div


3,840sqft, $99/sqft

612-620 SW 6th Street | Tedders


7 baths, 5,056sqft, $75/sqft

1241 NW Avenue D Avenue | S/d Of 31-43-37 By St Survey


6 beds, 3 baths, 2,487sqft, $151/sqft

317 NE 3rd Street | Belle Glade


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,267sqft, $161/sqft

980 SE 3rd Street | Jay & Roe Park In


5 beds, 3 baths, 2,051sqft, $176/sqft

698 SW 4th Street | Raders Sub


2,496sqft, $144/sqft

909 NE 2nd Street | Alma As


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,400sqft, $148/sqft

18 NE Avenue I | Unwin


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,800sqft, $195/sqft

832 Fleming Drive | Sterling Estates


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,554sqft, $99/sqft

333 SE Avenue I | S/d Of 5-44-37, Lot 7


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,138sqft, $164/sqft

324 NW E Avenue | Beverly Park


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,181sqft, $161/sqft

157 Dabou Loop | Abidjan Estates


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,463sqft, $239/sqft

961 SE 2nd Street | Jay And Roe Park


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,656sqft, $208/sqft

800 NE 2nd Street | Alma As In


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,168sqft, $155/sqft

149 Dabou Loop | Abidjan Estates


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,476sqft, $221/sqft

561 SE 5th Street | Holloway Of 3rd Add To Belle Glade


4 beds, 2 baths, 1,653sqft, $197/sqft

Belle Glade Map

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Belle Glade FL Homes for Sale

Belle Glade is a city in south central Florida located in the far western area of Palm Beach County. The city has a fascinating history and was almost wiped off the charts in 1928 when a hurricane devastated the area, the ferocious winds pushed all the water from the northern lake down south and completely drenched the glades. Houses were ripped from their foundations with the surging waters and winds.

Residents didn’t give up on the city and new investors came in and helped build the area back up. Houses rebuilt, crops planted, businesses formed and soon Belle Glade was back on the maps. The future of the city involved vegetables, fruit, and sugar cane and today Belle Glade maintains an agricultural presence with just under 18,000 residents.

Belle Glade has 5 elementary schools, a middle school, a high school, private school, and Palm Beach State College campus. Ther is also a local theater which is a great source of entertainment for the residents and visitors.

Being just 40km from West Palm Beach allows residents to shop and dine with ease. The city has a great choice of shopping malls, designer stores, furniture, and antiques as well as world class restaurants with a variety of cuisine from around the world.

Real estate throughout the city varies from modest single-family homes to estate homes with luxurious extras, some townhomes are also located in the city with a few condos for those who prefer low maintenance living.


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