Madison Green Royal Palm Beach 14 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white

Madison Green

A subdivision of Royal Palm Beach.

Total Homes : 1,146

Percentage Available: 1.2 %

Gated : Yes

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No


Golf & Club

Madison Green, Royal Palm Beach, FL Homes for Sale

1277 Gembrook Court | Madison Green Pl 1 Pars A, H & K $640,000 5 2/1 $223 -
1279 Gembrook Court | Madison Green Pl 1 Pars A, H & K Repl $560,000 4 3 $261 -
2229 Ridgewood Circle | Walden At Madison Green $500,000 6 4 $130 -
2613 Arbor Lane | Madison Green $475,000 5 4/1 $135 -
2107 Bellcrest Court | Saybrook At Madison Green $459,500 4 3 $132 -
3015 Rockville Lane | Madison Green Pl 1 $440,000 3 2 $311 -
2481 Westmont Lane | Madison Green $354,000 4 2/1 $148 -
2301 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 1 Pars F An $1,275,000 6 7 $307 -
2116 Bellcrest Court | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I $1,258,000 6 4/1 $303 -
2124 Bellcrest Court | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I $1,125,000 5 4 $301 -
2164 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green $938,000 6 4 $237 -
2918 Fontana Lane | Madison Green $900,000 4 4 $227 -
1819 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1 $825,000 4 4 $211 -
2977 W Fontana Court | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K $900,000 4 4 $309 -
2227 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J $885,000 5 3 $251 -
2974 W Fontana Court | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K $778,000 4 3 $320 -
1821 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green $885,000 5 4 $236 -
2291 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green, Walden Village $830,000 6 4/1 $214 -
2250 Ridgewood Court | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J $830,000 5 4/1 $214 -
2214 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J $800,000 5 3 $243 -
2973 W West Fontana Court | Madison Green 1 Pars A,h And K $780,000 4 3 $268 -
2640 Arbor Lane | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K $780,000 4 3 $299 -
1817 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1 $775,000 4 3 $265 -
1828 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1 $801,000 4 3 $275 -
2180 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I $760,000 5 3 $229 -
2609 Arbor Lane | Madison Green $780,000 5 3 $251 -
2903 Fontana Lane | Madison Green, Royal Estates $795,000 4 3 $292 -
2243 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green $790,000 5 3 $226 -
2180 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I $810,000 5 3 $226 -
1825 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green Pl 1 $760,450 4 3 $276 -
2160 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I $750,000 4 3 $221 -
2302 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 1 Pars F An,walden $800,000 5 4 $181 -
1810 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green Pl 1 $710,000 4 3 $244 -
1823 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1 $780,000 4 3 $244 -
2786 Misty Oaks Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J $725,000 4 2/1 $229 -
2944 Fontana Place | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K $750,000 4 3 $276 -
2618 Arbor Lane | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K $749,000 4 3 $275 -
2612 Arbor Lane | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K $725,000 5 4 $174 -
2217 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 01 $720,000 5 3 $194 -
2237 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 01 $700,000 5 3 $212 -

Virtual Tour - 2164 Bellcrest Cir | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G


6 beds, 4 baths, 3,974sqft, $265/sqft

2654 Windwood Way | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H


4 beds, 4 baths, 4,137sqft, $194/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2485 Westmont Lane | Madison Green


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,011sqft, $266/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2523 Glendale Place | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,011sqft, $266/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2728 Misty Oaks Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,564sqft, $218/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2132 Bellcrest Court | Madison Green 1 Part F, G And 1


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $219/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2142 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,524sqft, $288/sqft

Open House March 9 - 10am-1pm - 2144 Reston Circle | Madison Green 1


5 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,564sqft, $201/sqft

Virtual Tour - 1552 Fiddlewood Court | Madison Green Pl 1 Par B Repl


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,424sqft, $271/sqft

Virtual Tour - 2008 Reston Circle | Madison Green 1


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,037sqft, $215/sqft

Virtual Tour - 1279 Gembrook Court | Madison Green Pl 1 Pars A


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,561sqft, $231/sqft

Virtual Tour - 1501 Running Oak Ln | Madison Green 1 Par B


5 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,693sqft, $208/sqft

2132 Bellcrest Court | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $2/sqft

2926 E Fontana Court | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,727sqft, $2/sqft

1508 Running Oak Lane | Madison Green 1 Par B


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,424sqft, $2/sqft

2788 Misty Oaks Cir | Madison Green 1 Pars F An


5 beds, 2/1 baths, 3,564sqft, $238/sqft

2477 Westmont Lane | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,361sqft, $265/sqft

1239 Oakwater Dr | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H,wyndham


5 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,693sqft, $231/sqft

2140 Reston Circle | Madison Green 1


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,003sqft, $298/sqft

1427 Briar Oak Drive | Madison Green 1 Par B


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,424sqft, $2/sqft

1277 Gembrook Court | Madison Green Pl 1 Pars A, H & K


5 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,693sqft, $223/sqft

1279 Gembrook Court | Madison Green Pl 1 Pars A, H & K Repl


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,109sqft, $261/sqft

2229 Ridgewood Circle | Walden At Madison Green


6 beds, 4 baths, 3,974sqft, $130/sqft

2613 Arbor Lane | Madison Green


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,709sqft, $135/sqft

2107 Bellcrest Court | Saybrook At Madison Green


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $132/sqft

3015 Rockville Lane | Madison Green Pl 1


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,450sqft, $311/sqft

2481 Westmont Lane | Madison Green


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,509sqft, $148/sqft

2301 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 1 Pars F An


6 beds, 7 baths, 4,224sqft, $307/sqft

2116 Bellcrest Court | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


6 beds, 4/1 baths, 4,279sqft, $303/sqft

2124 Bellcrest Court | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,974sqft, $301/sqft

2164 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green


6 beds, 4 baths, 3,974sqft, $237/sqft

2918 Fontana Lane | Madison Green


4 beds, 4 baths, 4,137sqft, $227/sqft

1819 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1


4 beds, 4 baths, 4,267sqft, $211/sqft

2977 W Fontana Court | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K


4 beds, 4 baths, 2,916sqft, $309/sqft

2227 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $251/sqft

2974 W Fontana Court | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,727sqft, $320/sqft

1821 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green


5 beds, 4 baths, 3,615sqft, $236/sqft

2291 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green, Walden Village


6 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,974sqft, $214/sqft

2250 Ridgewood Court | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,974sqft, $214/sqft

2214 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $243/sqft

2973 W West Fontana Court | Madison Green 1 Pars A,h And K


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,079sqft, $268/sqft

2640 Arbor Lane | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,727sqft, $299/sqft

1817 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,065sqft, $265/sqft

1828 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,916sqft, $275/sqft

2180 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $229/sqft

2609 Arbor Lane | Madison Green


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,195sqft, $251/sqft

2903 Fontana Lane | Madison Green, Royal Estates


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,727sqft, $292/sqft

2243 Ridgewood Circle | Madison Green


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $226/sqft

2180 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $226/sqft

1825 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green Pl 1


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,834sqft, $276/sqft

2160 Bellcrest Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F, G And I


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $221/sqft

2302 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 1 Pars F An,walden


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,206sqft, $181/sqft

1810 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green Pl 1


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,079sqft, $244/sqft

1823 Waldorf Drive | Madison Green 1


4 beds, 3 baths, 3,079sqft, $244/sqft

2786 Misty Oaks Circle | Madison Green 1 Pars F And J


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 3,278sqft, $229/sqft

2944 Fontana Place | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,727sqft, $276/sqft

2618 Arbor Lane | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,727sqft, $275/sqft

2612 Arbor Lane | Madison Green 1 Pars A, H And K


5 beds, 4 baths, 4,271sqft, $174/sqft

2217 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 01


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,826sqft, $194/sqft

2237 Ridgewood Cir | Madison Green 01


5 beds, 3 baths, 3,496sqft, $212/sqft

Madison Green Map

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Welcome to Madison Green, a luxury gated community located in Royal Palm Beach, Florida. With eight separate gated subdivisions boasting wonderful homes and resort-style amenities, there is something for everyone at this beautiful development!

The community was built in the early 2000s and its comprised of 1300 single family homes. Properties range in size from three to six bedrooms and offer 2,000 to 4,000 sq ft of luxury living space. Expect upscale features throughout all the homes, including volume ceilings, crown molding, granite countertops, expansive master suites with walk-in closets, and lush outdoor space with neat gardens and fenced patios! As you drive through the community, you will notice the well maintained grounds with lush landscaping and twenty-two fabulous lakes. Some homes even provide vistas over the 700 acres of protected wildlife preserve, inviting you to enjoy a beautiful slice of Florida scenery as your backdrop.

Madison Green offers a friendly, social, and active lifestyle. Outstanding amenities include a stylish Clubhouse, and Olympic-sized heated swimming pool and Spa, a kids pool, a tot-lot, a fantastic fitness center, conference facilities, and tennis and basketball courts! Golfers can enjoy a unique driving range and putting green.

The well-established community is ideally located on the Okeechobee Blvd, close to local shopping, dining, and recreation activities. There are many schools and sports clubs nearby, or take a family trip to attractions such as the Palm Beach Zoo or the Rapids Waterpark! West Palm Beach is close by, and is a lively large town boasting a vibrant downtown area, cultural and historic sites, and stylish nightlife options! Take a short drive to Lake Worth with its stunning beaches, or relax in one of the nearby golf and country clubs!

Madison Green stands out as one of the finest gated communities in Palm Beach County, and is the perfect place to call home. Take a look at some of the unique subdivisions such as Ashford, Coventry, Fairfax, or Walden!


  • Clubhouse
  • Golf Course and Driving Range
  • Playground
  • Sidewalks
  • Exercise Room
  • Mar Bar
  • Resort Style Pool

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Jeff Lichtenstein's Echo Fine Properties


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