The Preserve at Ironhorse West Palm Beach 10 Homes for Sale | Echo Fine Properties Artboard 1? alert-icon? Artboard 1? ? ? delete-icon? edit-icon? email-icon hide-hover-icon? Artboard 1? login-icon-white Artboard 1? next-icon-left next-icon-right-left next-icon-left-ochre next-icon next-icon-right-grey next-icon-right-ochre plus-with-circle-iconP search-fw-icon? search-icon-ochre search-icon-white

The Preserve at Ironhorse

A subdivision of West Palm Beach Homes.

Total Homes : 324

Percentage Available: 3.1 %

Gated : Yes

Club Membership : No

No-Fee Community : No


Golf & Club

The Preserve at Ironhorse, West Palm Beach, FL Homes for Sale

8270 Spyglass Drive | Ironhorse Par C $12,000/mo 2 2/1 $5 -
7941 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse $1,650,000 3 3/1 $496 -
8196 Lakeview Dr | Ironhorse Par F $1,650,000 3 3 $599 -
7780 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1 $1,395,000 3 3/1 $406 -
7980 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $1,465,000 4 4 $429 -
7954 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $1,009,000 3 2/1 $289 -
8387 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse $750,000 2 2 $385 -
7801 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $785,000 3 3/1 $223 -
7606 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2 $585,000 3 2/1 $210 -
7831 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $547,000 4 4/1 $165 -
8015 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $477,000 4 4/1 $155 -
8268 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse $425,000 3 2 $202 -
8243 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse $376,400 3 3 $178 -
8278 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse $389,000 2 2 $233 -
8188 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse $325,000 4 3/1 $119 -
8321 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse $165,000 3 2 $123 -
8269 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse $5,500/mo 3 4 $3 -
8403 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse $1,500,000 3 3/1 $456 -
8187 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse Par F $1,575,000 4 3 $579 -
8196 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse Par F Repl $1,500,000 3 3 $526 -
8163 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse $1,218,000 3 3/1 $447 -
8227 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse Par F $1,300,000 4 5 $362 -
8403 Ironhorse Court | The Estates $1,200,000 3 3/1 $342 -
8461 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse $1,150,000 4 4 $336 -
7980 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $885,000 4 3/1 $269 -
8391 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse $940,000 4 3/1 $278 -
7941 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1 $939,000 3 3/1 $329 -
7632 Preserve Court | Ironhorse $925,000 3 2/1 $370 -
7831 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $920,000 4 3/1 $257 -
7837 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2 $830,000 3 2/1 $342 -
7730 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2 $905,000 4 2/1 $363 -
7849 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2 $825,000 3 3 $334 -
7646 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2 $820,000 3 2/1 $369 -
7647 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2 $849,000 3 2/1 $384 -
7807 Ironhorse Blvd | Ironhorse $851,000 4 4/1 $247 -
7787 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1 $800,000 3 3/1 $241 -
7567 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2 $870,000 3 2/1 $310 -
7801 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse $800,000 3 3/1 $231 -
8270 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse $775,000 3 4 $289 -
6799 Augusta Court | Ironhorse $815,000 3 2/1 $323 -
7786 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2 $790,000 2 2/1 $373 -
7633 Preserve Court | Ironhorse $781,000 3 3/1 $298 -
7875 Fairway Ln | Ironhorse,iron Horse $790,000 4 4/1 $246 -
6778 Oakmont Way | Ironhorse Par C $735,000 3 4 $309 -

Virtual Tour - 7785 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,487sqft, $382/sqft

Virtual Tour - 8472 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse


5 beds, 5/1 baths, 5,287sqft, $378/sqft

Virtual Tour - 7903 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1


5 beds, 4/1 baths, 5,644sqft, $332/sqft

Virtual Tour - 7771 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1


4 beds, 5/1 baths, 3,661sqft, $456/sqft

Virtual Tour - 8460 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,513sqft, $399/sqft

Virtual Tour - 7938 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,481sqft, $388/sqft

Virtual Tour - 7744 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,446sqft, $489/sqft

Virtual Tour - 7563 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-2


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,297sqft, $425/sqft

8270 Spyglass Drive | Ironhorse Par C


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,553sqft, $5/sqft

7941 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,333sqft, $496/sqft

8196 Lakeview Dr | Ironhorse Par F


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,758sqft, $599/sqft

7780 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,439sqft, $406/sqft

7980 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,729sqft, $429/sqft

7954 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 3,457sqft, $289/sqft

8387 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse


2 beds, 2 baths, 2,185sqft, $385/sqft

7801 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,590sqft, $223/sqft

7606 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,854sqft, $210/sqft

7831 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,582sqft, $165/sqft

8015 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,547sqft, $155/sqft

8268 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse


3 beds, 2 baths, 2,180sqft, $202/sqft

8243 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,248sqft, $178/sqft

8278 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse


2 beds, 2 baths, 1,701sqft, $233/sqft

8188 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,743sqft, $119/sqft

8321 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse


3 beds, 2 baths, 1,623sqft, $123/sqft

8269 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse


3 beds, 4 baths, 2,275sqft, $3/sqft

8403 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,513sqft, $456/sqft

8187 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse Par F


4 beds, 3 baths, 2,758sqft, $579/sqft

8196 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse Par F Repl


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,758sqft, $526/sqft

8163 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,135sqft, $447/sqft

8227 Lakeview Drive | Ironhorse Par F


4 beds, 5 baths, 3,661sqft, $362/sqft

8403 Ironhorse Court | The Estates


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,513sqft, $342/sqft

8461 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse


4 beds, 4 baths, 3,277sqft, $336/sqft

7980 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,729sqft, $269/sqft

8391 Ironhorse Court | Ironhorse


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,512sqft, $278/sqft

7941 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,858sqft, $329/sqft

7632 Preserve Court | Ironhorse


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,500sqft, $370/sqft

7831 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


4 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,582sqft, $257/sqft

7837 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,634sqft, $342/sqft

7730 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2


4 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,470sqft, $363/sqft

7849 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2


3 beds, 3 baths, 2,621sqft, $334/sqft

7646 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,308sqft, $369/sqft

7647 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,215sqft, $384/sqft

7807 Ironhorse Blvd | Ironhorse


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,441sqft, $247/sqft

7787 Ironhorse Boulevard | Ironhorse Par B-1


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,513sqft, $241/sqft

7567 Preserve Court | Ironhorse Par B-2


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,733sqft, $310/sqft

7801 Fairway Lane | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 3,590sqft, $231/sqft

8270 Bob O Link Drive | Ironhorse


3 beds, 4 baths, 2,842sqft, $289/sqft

6799 Augusta Court | Ironhorse


3 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,526sqft, $323/sqft

7786 Preserve Drive | Ironhorse Par B-2


2 beds, 2/1 baths, 2,177sqft, $373/sqft

7633 Preserve Court | Ironhorse


3 beds, 3/1 baths, 2,690sqft, $298/sqft

7875 Fairway Ln | Ironhorse,iron Horse


4 beds, 4/1 baths, 3,214sqft, $246/sqft

6778 Oakmont Way | Ironhorse Par C


3 beds, 4 baths, 2,491sqft, $309/sqft

The Preserve at Ironhorse Map

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The Preserve at Ironhorse is a small, private residential neighborhood of 324 single family homes located in the heart of West Palm Beach real estate. Golf and tennis enthusiasts find Ironhorse homes for sale to be a dream. The lakes, nature preserves, and the fairways of the Arthur Hills Championship 18-hole golf course make up over half of Ironhorse. Best of all, membership is not mandatory.

The golf course is such that members are forever challenged, professionals love to play it, and guests eagerly await return invitations. The natural beauty of Ironhorse has been carefully conserved, with preserves and wetlands, sand hill cranes, blue heron, wood storks, otter, turtles, fox, alligators, and many others.

A limited membership helps to protect member privileges and assures course availability. There is a state-of-the-art golf learning facility for adults and children of all ages. Ironhorse homes range in size from 1700 sq ft to over 5000 sq ft (air conditioned) and sit on lots that range in size from less than 1/4 acre to over 1/2 acre in size.

Ironhorse homes for sale can be found just off of Jog Road, south of the Beeline Highway with easy access to I95 and Florida’s Turnpike.  Close proximity to Palm Beach International Airport

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